eddyhaze place
1 minute of computer time is like 1 hour in real time,were does the time go.

when uploading a new skin,your skin must also be submited

Sep 28, 2008 7:14 AM by Discussion: Wallpapers
it seems i can't upload any wallpaper anymore without getting some error it started out with a file extension error now i get when uploading a new skin,your skin must also be submited. anyone else having this problem????
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can't get in my article

Sep 28, 2008 5:34 AM by Discussion: Forum Issues
anyone else having this problem creating a article only to find you can;t get into it after you quote in it,seems the edit button is causing this issue.
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i seen other people that had this problem not being able to upload wallpaper getting a file extension error it seems to happen with the walls that are bigger in file size, another problem that i ran into how do you quote on a wall you know what i mean to get the box of what the other person said, mine always comes up with no box what am i doing wrong. another problem i had how do you upload a wall only without the zip folder I seen other people do it, I tried it but when I click on the download button it says page not found. OK maybe one more question if someone clicks on a wall to preview it does that counts as a download.here is picture of the error message when i try to upload..
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